"The Murder of John the Red Comyn at Greyfriar's Church, Feb. 10, 1306" by Ricky Pittman, First Place, 2018
The Murder of John the Red Comyn at Greyfriar’s Church
Feb. 10, 1306
by Ricky Pittman
First Place, 2018
John the Red and Robert the Bruce
Met on a cold day in Dumfries
The victory at Roslyn forgotten,
Because of pride and jealousy.
Bruce forged a plan of murder,
His betrayal fed by greed,
With his brothers he conspired,
To commit the bloody deed.
They met at Greyfriars Churchyard,
No love lost between them,
And there before the high altar,
Bruce’s sgian-dubh stabbed Comyn.
Friars took Comyn’s confession,
Before he was dragged outside,
Bruce’s men then used their swords,
Until Red Comyn died.
An important political murder
On Bruce’s steps to the throne,
To lead the Scots to Bannockburn,
With Bruce as king alone.