ScotsFest Vendors
Check out the latest clubs, organizations, and vendors (both food and crafts) that will be at this year’s ScotsFest! Be sure to view the map at the bottom of the page to see each group’s location! (COMING SOON)
Acts of Piracy -Arkansas Razorbites - DB Creations - Casey Arms - Crunchy Bunch - Freeze-Dried Candy and Fruit - The Highland Shops - Howdy Darlin’ Boutique - Kids’ Toys - Delacey Kell, Artist - Lake Edge Gifts & Candles - Lyon College Kilted Kiln - Medieval Romance Crystals - Rain Spectre Crafts - Renaissance Festival - Renscott Roost - Aspen Roberts, Artist - Rockstar Jewelry - Judith Shrenger, Artist - Southern Drone OPS - Tammy Chase Insurance - Timco Woodshop - The Traveling Tinkers - Triple Arms LLC - Walking Sticks
Bigger Burger Better BBQ - Boba Tea Truck - BSA Walking Taco Booth - Bud’s Homemade Root Beer - Dogwood Hills Farms - Huarache House - La Reina Mexican - Lewis BBQ - Fresh-Squeezed Lemonade by Filipino Chow - Lybrand Park & Go - Scots Archery Fish and Chips - Meat Pies, Scotch Eggs, and More by Lyon College - Peaches Patisserie - Shaved Ice - Sling’an Weenies
Clubs & Organizations
Alpha Xi Delta - Chocolate Strawberries
Kappa Sigma
Honors Sustainability
The Highlander and The Wheelbarrow
Lyon College Art League
Phi Mu at Li’l Highlanders Fun Zone
Phi Theta Gamma
Lyon College Pre-Vet and Animal Sciences Club
Tau Kappa Epsilon
2025 Vendors
2025 Food Vendors
Filipino Chow Food Truck
Fresh-Squeezed Lemonade & Kettle Corn by Filipino Chow